Spring Flatbread at Larkin Street Youth

What’s the difference between flatbread and pizza dough? Chef Rachelle Boucher shared an insider tip with us: Nothing! But you can roll out pizza dough nice and thin and call it flatbread!

We spent our first class of April with Chef Rachelle making one of her favorite spring recipes: fava bean and pea flatbread! Our team changed location from our usual cooking space at SF Cooking School to Larkin Street Youth Services’ Golden Gate Center. Larkin Street Youth received us very well! The energy was great, and everyone worked cohesively to first prepare fava-pea spread and then move on to the dough. You can find detailed recipe here.
Everyone participated in different ways, from sautéing the spring garlic to rolling out the dough.

We learned that you don’t need a fancy pizza oven to make pizza! Just like at our pita bread class with chef Reem, you can simply turn a baking sheet upside down, put it in the oven, and cook the flatbread directly on that.

We got fun and creative, and each student got to make their own flatbread.  In about 40 minutes we were able to enjoy amazing straight-out of oven flat bread with fava-pea spread and cheese on top! Big thank you to Chef Rachelle!

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